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Summer Institute and Arts 1:1: A Student’s First-Hand Account of CFVA’s Educational Programming

My name is Prophesy Baker, I’m 17 years old, and I’ve been a part of the Central Florida Vocal Arts family for over two years now. This organization has impacted me substantially and I hope to share more about my experience participating in CFVA’s Summer Institute program and taking weekly voice lessons through the grant-funded Arts 1:1 program.

Summer Institute

I learned about CFVA’s Summer Institute as a freshman when CFVA’s voice teachers came for a school visit. They described Summer Institute as an amazing one-week camp to grow your voice, make new friends, and find the confidence to perform and step out of your comfort zone. Little did I know, Summer Institute would do so much more than that. 

At first, I thought I wouldn’t have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity due to my financial constraints, but after learning about the scholarships they offered, I was able to apply and my application was accepted. I was so relieved to know that my finances wouldn’t hinder me from participating in this opportunity and that the program finds solutions to aid with any conflict that students may face. 

Moreover, I was excited to embark on this journey into the familiar yet new world of the performing arts. Although I’ve been performing and singing since I was roughly three, it was never anything bigger than singing at church, the school choir, or in a small school play. 

By the time I entered high school, I had lost all confidence. I just moved from Tallahassee, FL and freshman year was a little too “fresh” for my own comfort. I’ll admit it, I was definitely the quiet kid. Although I had much to say and talent to share, my mouth stayed closed, and my true self was hidden. The Summer before sophomore year, my self-confidence and my performance capabilities were deteriorating. Summer institute gave me the opportunity to breathe life into a part of me that I was unfortunately letting go of. With my last ounce of hope, I walked through the doors with all I had to give.

After preparing my audition for Summer Institute, my 15-year-old self showed up with no clue what would happen. I walked into a room filled with kids my age, and honestly, it was a little terrifying. I locked eyes with a guy, and he smiled at me. I sat down beside him, timidly introducing myself. I asked him his name, and he said, “Diego.” I didn’t know it at the time, but Diego would grow to be one of my favorite people to see at Summer Institute. He was the first to accept me with open arms after CFVA, and so many new friends and teachers would do the same in years to come. 

Central Florida Vocal Arts wasn’t and isn’t just an organization that offers new opportunities for performance but for personal growth as well. The best plants grow when they’re placed in the right soil and given the resources that they need. In this case, Central Florida Vocal Arts gave and continues to give me everything I need in order to grow as an individual.

Throughout these last three years of attending Summer Institute, I’ve grown exponentially as an individual, embodying confidence in a way I could never imagine. After my first Institute, I entered sophomore year with much more vibrancy and eagerness to be exactly who I wanted to be. Over the last three years, nothing has changed. Central Florida Vocal Arts revealed to me what I’m capable of and how limitless I can make my dreams and goals. It all started with this organization. I can thank them for that for the rest of my life.

1:1 Voice Lessons 

Not only did Central Florida Vocal Arts help me achieve a better understanding of myself, but I was also able to grow my voice. Since learning about voice lessons, I wanted to take them, but was never given the opportunity. After attending Summer Institute and taking two lessons, I realized that this was something I definitely wanted to incorporate into my life. But how?

Once sophomore year started, I was introduced to the Central Florida Vocal Arts Arts 1:1 program. This program offers free voice lessons to students who can’t afford them. It gave me the opportunity to take voice lessons despite not having the funds. 

After applying and being accepted, I came across a familiar name, Sarah Lysiak, whom I had previously worked with during Summer Institute. I was so excited to extend our lessons into the school year.

Over the last couple of years with Ms. Sarah, my voice has grown in ways I could never have imagined. She has helped me tremendously by expanding my range, musical knowledge, and technique. As a result, my confidence has spiked when it comes to singing and performing. She prepared me for every performance, and every lesson was better than the last. For the first time ever, I had the confidence to sing the national anthem at a basketball game, perform in talent shows, participate in Solo and Ensemble, and was even given a solo in choir.  Many other students in the Arts 1:1 program had very similar experiences with their voice teachers and are immensely grateful for this program. 

Central Florida Vocal Arts also hosts Arts 1:1 recitals at the end of each school year for the students to share their growth and talent with their peers and loved ones, which has definitely been a highlight.

Overall, through the Arts 1:1 program that Central Florida Vocal Arts offers has transformed me in the most unimaginable way. Every single teacher and team member of this organization makes such a huge impact on students like myself. I want to extend a massive thank you to Ms. Sarah for helping me bring out the light that I knew was always inside of me. Thank you for seeing the potential in me and for giving me a chance. Not a day went by that I ever took this opportunity for granted, and because of that, I achieved so many great things. I know I will continue doing so because of this organization.

Thank you Central Florida Vocal Arts, for everything. 

                                                                                          – Much Love, Prophesy Baker

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This project is funded in part by Orange County Government through the Arts & Cultural Affairs Program.

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